"We're in the most ridiculous industry on earth."

I stumbled across Zach Holman’s blog via a post on Signal vs. Noise. It was about his screencast Automating Inefficiencies, you should check this out as well.

Anyway, I skimmed the headlines in his blog and ended up reading quite some of the articles. In one post he talks about his side-project Facelette (Chat Roulette for FaceTime). He emphasizes he made it for the sake of hacking, not to start the-next-big-thing™ what indeed was what some people thought about it.

Instead, for him…

We’re in the most ridiculous industry on earth. You can whip something up in a few hours and before you know it, people around the world will be using it. That is insane. An architect or a fireman or a lawyer or anyone else can’t say that for their profession or their hobby.

Zach Holman

Read the whole piece, there also is some wisdom by _why in there.

Okay, what is my point again? @holman does some cool things, yes.

But reading those lines made me also realize once again, tools and the cleverest plans don’t matter - execution counts. Hack something up, flip the switch and see how it goes. This also reaffirmed my decision to study Computer Science and especially being creative & curious about related subjects. This should enable me (at least potentially, let’s see how that goes…) to be in this industry, the most ridiculous on earth.

And who wouldn’t want to work there?

Header photo by Leon Seibert on Unsplash